Friday, June 13, 2014

Kindergaren Corner

This coming school year will be different than we have ever had before.  We decided to let Emma (8th grade), David (6th grade), MaryAnne (4th grade) and Dallin (2nd grade) all go to school.  I will only have Julia (12th grade), Matthew (10th grade), Joshua (kindergarten) and Lydia (preschool) home to do school.  I saw a reading corner on pinterest and really wanted to make one in our school room.  Neil kept telling me the area I wanted to use was small, but I was sure it would work.  We put it all together last week.  I love it!!  Joshua and Lydia have spent lots of time there doing school things.  I really like the shelves that are at their level.  They are made from rain gutters so they can hold little games, crayons and things that children need to get to.  I am excited to have this time to focus more on Joshua and Lydia. I am sad that the others will be gone during the day, and that I didn't really take the time to make each of them my focus.  One of the first things Joshua and Lydia are learning in school time is to get dressed each morning. Julia says she is never going to let her children have pajama days, at least not as often as Joshua and Lydia like to have them.  I think kindergarten should be about making learning fun and not take all day.  I am so excited to use our kindergarten corner.  Thanks, Neil for helping me make this project turn out exactly how I wanted it.

I think that Joshua loves his kindergarten corner

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