Saturday, March 26, 2016

Finally captured on camera

Well the hunt to catch our cardinal on camera was finally successful.  I can now move on with other endeavors in life.  A week ago Neil saw a flash of red go past the window while he was eating breakfast.  I went outside and saw the cardinal up on a wire.  He flew down to the ground and I got a couple of pictures before he flew away.  Sadly, none of the pictures were really that good.

Yesterday while I was in Roanoke with Emma for her doctors appointment Neil heard the cardinal.  He went sneakily outside with the camera.  At first he only saw the female cardinal but as he looked around he saw the bright red, beautiful cardinal that I have been trying to get a picture of.  He took a couple of pictures of the cardinal up in the tree by where we park the van.  I was so excited that he got such a good picture of my favorite cardinal.  This cardinal is such a beautiful, bright red.  I always want to be able to remember our Virginia cardinal when we are back in Wyoming.  I saw the cardinal out the kitchen window later the same day, but still couldn't get  a picture.  He definitely doesn't like to stay still for long.
Here is Neil's picture:

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU. Ever since you said you've wanted a picture of this bird I've been like, "BIRD. COME ON. DON'T BE A JERK."
