Saturday, March 19, 2016

Springtime Soccer

Matthew played soccer in first grade.  I don't think he has played in all the years since then.  The boys that he ran cross country with in the fall all play soccer instead of running track.  They talked him into playing with them.  He definitely hasn't loved it, but he has been a good sport about trying to figure out the sport.  The first scrimmage of the season we won 4-0.  Matthew got a lot of playing time and he felt pretty good about the match.

We were very excited for him when he got to start on defense against Rockbridge County High School.  The match didn't go very well and Parry McCluer got beat 9-0.  The next week he started again when the team played against Stuart Hall.  We  got beat 8-0.

Matthew may not love soccer, but I love watching him play.  I am proud of him for doing his best to learn a new sport and be a good team player.  I think it is great that the boys from cross country encouraged him to give it a try with them.

Go Blues!! Go #19

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