Sunday, March 24, 2019

Finally...Spring has come to Wyoming

Spring has finally sprung in Powell. It took a while this year.  February and March were both extremely cold.  I took these screenshots on February 25th. I think it is interesting that the only difference is the time of day.  Notice that feels like temperature, we dealt with those below zero temperatures for a lot of February and March.  I guess it was good that Aaron had his cast on while it was cold and not now when it is warming up.

Yesterday it was nearly 60 degrees and beautiful outside.  The kids ate a picnic lunch outside. They loved playing on the trampoline, and swinging on the swing. David and Elijah had the swing going so high I wasn't sure the branch would hold up.  They had a  good time together.  The basketball hoop and bikes have been used a lot more lately.  It is good to have spring come.  I have loved walking around time and being outside.  We live in a beautiful world. 

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