Julia turned 14 on February 12. She is a sweet girl. She went to her first stake dance not too long after her birthday. She had fun. She doesn't like to have all the attention on her, but I had to include a few pictures of her birthday.
One Friday in March the Young Women in our ward had an all day P party to work on Personal Progress. There was a prize promised to whoever wore the most things that started with "P". Bethany and Julia decided they were going to win and they sure had fun thinking of "P" things. They had pirate hats, purple vests, pink and purple polka dotted fingernails, purple pumps, petite pumps, packs for their back, pink and purple plaid pajama pants, poodle purses, and pins. They had more, but that is all I can remember. Bethany won the prize, a pig pez candy dispenser. It was a fun day.
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