We have been busy and enjoying many fall activities. The children worked on a 3D puzzle of the White House together. It didn't get finished because someone came by and caused an earthquake of the work they had done.
Matthew and Sam caught a rabbit out in the sage brush one Saturday. They had it all planned out on how to butcher it and split the meat up. I wasn't too excited about roasting a rabbit for dinner. They finally decided to just let it go. I was amazed that they were able to catch it, and bring it home. When they got it home they put it in Matthew's trap.
We had our first snow of the year on Monday. The children loved going out to play in the snow. They had great fun out there. It made for an interesting school day, but they did learn a lot about spending time together in the snow. The snow sure looked pretty out there on our pine trees.
We read The Hobbit together this month. Sometimes the children just wanted to keep reading later than the little ones could manage to stay up and listen. You can see from this picture of MaryAnne that she had just been going too long on this day. It was definitely bedtime.
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